Healthier Jupiter Holds Mini Grant Workshop and Community Presentation with Mark Fenton, Nationally Recognized Walkability Expert

Nearly 60 community members with good ideas for how to make Jupiter residents healthier joined Healthier Jupiter and Mark Fenton, a nationally known public health, planning and transportation consultant, and Jill Hamilton Buss, Executive Director of Healthy Central Florida for a mini grant workshop at Jupiter Community Center. Mark also presented “The Power of Walking” to nearly 100 members of the Jupiter community at Jupiter High School the same evening to share how members of other communities across the country are working to make their communities more walkable, bike-able and ultimately, healthier. At both events, he also shared observations from a “windshield tour” of Jupiter that he conducted with 25 local leaders the previous day. Abby Goodwin of Palm Healthcare Foundation shared the overall concept of the Healthier Together initiative and the framework behind how Healthier Jupiter was built.

The goal of the Mini Grant Program is to engage the Greater Jupiter community in creating innovative approaches to diabetes prevention and management. Healthier Jupiter will award up to eight $2500 mini-grants to qualified not-for-profit organizations who attended the workshop to pilot ideas that will improve our collective community health in one of three focus areas: increasing access to affordable healthier food choices; helping individuals become more physically active on a regular basis; or promoting awareness of diabetes risks and accessing necessary medical care. Grant Recipients will be announced January 30th.

About Healthier Jupiter

Healthier Jupiter is a community initiative addressing health and quality of life issues starting with diabetes.  Diabetes was selected because promoting healthy lifestyles can lower diabetes risk and complications as well as many other chronic diseases.  Healthier Jupiter is funded through a generous grant from The Palm HealthCare Foundation as part of its Healthier Together Initiative.  Healthier Together is a long-term, place based funding approach designed to solve the community’s most complex healthcare issues, neighborhood by neighborhood.

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