Mini-Grant Recipient Success Stories: Town of Jupiter Recreation Department

Town of Jupiter’s Recreation Department was awarded a 2016-2017 Healthier Jupiter Mini Grant for their Rec on the Move Program.

Rec on the Move gave the residents of our community the opportunity to be physically active outdoors at a Town of Jupiter park or playground in their own neighborhood. Through Rec on the Move, Town of Jupiter recreation staff was able to reach out to the community on a more personal level. They were able to expose many families to new activities that they may not have previously known about, introduce them to Town of Jupiter staff, listen to their ideas on what programs they would like to see and encourage them to spend time outdoors together as a family and with their neighbors.

Town of Jupiter’s Recreation Department Rec on the Move Program met Healthier Jupiter’s focus area to help people become more physically active on a regular basis.

About Healthier Jupiter’s 2019-2020 Mini-Grant Program

Healthier Jupiter, a community initiative founded to address health and quality of life issues, for the fourth year in a row, Healthier Jupiter will offer Mini Grants to impact the health of our community. The goal of the Mini Grants is to fund innovative projects that have measurable impact and can create meaningful, transformative change in the health, wellness and success of the greater Jupiter community. The grants will allow civic organizations, churches, temples, schools, government entities and nonprofits to fund pilot ideas to improve our collective community health in one of four focus areas:

  1. Increase the availability and affordability of fresh, healthy foods;

  2. Help individuals become more physically active on a regular basis;

  3. Encourage people to engage mentally and physically to practice healthy behaviors; and/or

  4. Support changes in the built environment and community policies that promote equitable opportunities for healthy living.

For more information about Healthier Jupiter’s Mini-Grant Program please visit Here you can learn about past recipients, get some great inspiration from innovative ideas from around the country, and submit an interest form (which is required to submit a grant).

Healthier Jupiter is funded through a generous grant from Palm Health Foundation in partnership with Jupiter Medical Center, as part of the countywide Healthier Together Initiative.