Spring Training – Healthier Jupiter Student Voice Reporter


By Sophia Nemes

Spring is a time for new beginnings. That’s why I decided to sign up for Healthier Jupiter’s Couch to 5K training program with my mom and sister. To be honest I had never done anything like that before, but I was excited to try it out.

The Couch to 5K is a free training program offered by Healthier Jupiter to build up your strength so eventually you will be able to run a 5K. You can go at your own pace and everyone’s speed and stamina is taken into account. The training sessions grow progressively harder, so you learn improve your speed.  It’s a great way to stay healthy during the start of a new season.

At the end of training, the group participated in the Turtle Trot 5K. I completed the run in 36 minutes which I never would have been able to do without the training I received from the Couch to 5K program. The Turtle Trot was an amazing experience, everyone from the Couch to 5K program cheered each other on and was very supportive and positive even when we were just passing by. It was inspiring to have so many people encouraging you to succeed

The program was very helpful in building up my endurance and stamina. Plus, the weekly meetings were really fun. In the end it was a really great way to meet new people, get in shape, and have a good time.

Sophia Nemes is a 6th grade communications major at BAK Middle School of The Arts. She was a winner of the 2018 Healthier Jupiter Student Video Contest in which she produced a film that highlighted pedestrian and bike safety guidelines for kids. Sophia has accepted the role of Healthier Jupiter Student Voice Reporter and will be providing a series of articles on various health-related topics from a student’s perspective. We are thrilled to have Sophia and her mother Anna as part of the Healthier Jupiter Volunteer team. We welcome you to join the Volunteer team as well.

 About Healthier Jupiter

Healthier Jupiter is a community-driven initiative funded by Palm Health Foundation. Headquartered at Jupiter Medical Center, Healthier Jupiter works in partnership with the Medical Center to address healthy behaviors, social determinants of health, and quality of life issues across the lifespan.  Healthier Jupiter brings the community together by listening to the needs of all, building support, and providing resources to empower people to make healthier choices. Healthier Jupiter is part of Palm Health Foundation’s Healthier Together Initiative.  Healthier Together is a long-term, place based funding approach designed to solve the community’s most complex healthcare issues, neighborhood by neighborhood.
