Walking + Biking Outside? Here are safety tips.

Have you found yourself outside exercising more on our streets?

We know that many people have significantly changed how they are being or staying active during the coronavirus, including being physically active on our streets, sidewalks and bike lanes. Medical and health experts agree that being active outside is crucial to maintaining physical and mental health.

With important calls to practice social distancing, it is critical to maintain at least 6 feet of social distance while biking, running or walking outside. If you find yourself having to pass someone on a trail or sidewalk, stand aside and give as much room as possible. When possible, outdoor exercisers should even try to increase the recommended 6 feet of social distancing to 12 feet. Please avoid activities outside where you come in close contact with other people. Please avoid activities outside if you are feeling sick or have been in close contact with someone who is sick.

America Walk’s a national organization leading advocacy work for more walkable communities shared a list of social distance walking tips from the perspective of walk and talk therapist


In addition to following important social distancing tips while walking or biking, it is just as important to stay safe and follow traffic safety tips.

Healthier Jupiter’s Student Reporter Sophia Nemes and her friend Shailee Patel submitted an amazing video (above) on how to walk or bike safely in your neighborhood for Healthier Jupiter’s 2017 Student Film Contest. These are some great tips!

For additional information on how to walk or run safely near roads/streets (of course on sidewalks!), we asked Valerie Neilson, Deputy Director of Multimodal Development from the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency for her top tips:

  1. Be visible - wear bright colors, reflective gear and a light at night

  2. Cross at designated crosswalks or at a street corner

  3. Before crossing a street -1) Stop 2) Look both ways and 3) Make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you and will stop for you to cross safely

  4. Walk on the right side of the sidewalk to allow faster users (ex. rollerbladers) to pass on the left

  5. Be alert - try not to wear earbuds / listen to music. Be aware of your surroundings and of others trying to pass you 

Town of Jupiter’s Police Department has a Bike and Pedestrian Safety page with some really great Information.

You can follow them on Facebook for more tips!

Thank you to Safe Kids Palm Beach County for sharing critical information on Bicycle Safety! Check out the great tips in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole below. Follow them along on Facebook for more great information.

Here is a great article on how to communicate with your children the importance of wearing a helmet: “Tell Kids to Use Their Heads - Wear a Helmet

When picking a safe route make sure to take the “Walkability Test”:

  1. Did you feel safe walking on this route?

  2. Did your route have safe, good quality foot paths, or sidewalks?

  3. Was there appropriate signage for pedestrians?

  4. Did the route have crosswalks? And was it easy to cross the street?

Were some of the answers “no”? First, choose a safer route. Then report roadway, sidewalk, street lighting concerns at the Town of Jupiter website's Let Us Know page? Use the forms on their website to report your concerns and follow the prompts.