Walking + Biking: Here are safety tips!
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Medical and health experts agree that being active outside is crucial to maintaining physical and mental health. Not only getting in your 150 minutes of physical activity per week, but walking or biking in your community helps you get to know your community. Healthier Jupiter has worked with community members and partners to share top safety tips for you and your family!
Healthier Jupiter’s Student Reporter…
Sophia Nemes and her friend Shailee Patel submitted an amazing video on how to walk or bike safely in your neighborhood for Healthier Jupiter’s 2017 Student Film Contest. These are some great tips!
Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency…
Shares their top tips from staff:
Be visible - wear bright colors, reflective gear and a light at night
Cross at designated crosswalks or at a street corner
Before crossing a street -1) Stop 2) Look both ways and 3) Make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you and will stop for you to cross safely
Walk on the right side of the sidewalk to allow faster users (ex. rollerbladers) to pass on the left
Be alert - try not to wear earbuds / listen to music. Be aware of your surroundings and of others trying to pass you
Have you heard about the new laws for bicycling safety in Florida? Check out our new video that shows several of the bicycle and vehicle movements outlined in Senate Bill 950. Many more improvements to keep cyclists safe can be made and the TPA looks forward to continue advocating for the safety of all roadway users.
Town of Jupiter’s Police Department….
Has a Bike and Pedestrian Safety page with some really great Information. You can follow them on Facebook for more tips!
Also Jupiter Police Department also recommends that you register your bike with the Police Department. Access the form here.
Safe Kids Palm Beach County…
Shared critical information on Bicycle Safety! Check out the great tips in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole below. Follow them along on Facebook for more great information.
Here is a great article on how to communicate with your children the importance of wearing a helmet: “Tell Kids to Use Their Heads - Wear a Helmet” . Some other great resources recommended by Safe Kids Palm Beach County include:
You can also reach out to Safe Kids Palm Beach County, and your local Fire Rescue or Police Department to help set up bicycle safety events, such as bike rodeos.
Healthier Jupiter….
Encourages you to pick a safe route make sure to take the “Walkability Test”:
Did you feel safe walking on this route?
Did your route have safe, good quality foot paths, or sidewalks?
Was there appropriate signage for pedestrians?
Did the route have crosswalks? And was it easy to cross the street?
Were some of the answers “no”? First, choose a safer route. Then report roadway, sidewalk, street lighting concerns at the Town of Jupiter website's Let Us Know page? Use the forms on their website to report your concerns and follow the prompts.
Tell us in the comments what new safety tip did you learn?