Welcome Sophia… Healthier Jupiter’s Student Voice Reporter

Please Welcome Sophia Nemes, Healthier Jupiter Student Voice Reporter, she will be providing a series of articles on health and our community from the students perspective. We are thrilled to have Sophia and her mother Anna as part of the Healthier Jupiter Volunteer team. We welcome you to join the Volunteer team as well.

Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

By Sophia Nemes

The holidays are a time for celebrations … with LOTS of food. Beginning with Halloween and pounds of candy, followed by Thanksgiving where we load up on rich foods and onto Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and more. During the holidays we meet with family and friends to celebrate with -you guessed it- food. Treats are everywhere, and many wonder what they can do to stay healthy during this time of year.

            You can stay healthy over the holidays by getting consistent exercise and going outdoors. Whether you walk, jog, bike, or swim you are getting the exercise you need. Here in Jupiter we are lucky enough to live close to the beach and have warm weather all year round. Take advantage of this and go outside to play in the fresh air. The exercise and fresh air will help your body stay healthy and feel good.

            Another thing you can do is enjoy your holiday treats in moderation. Of course I love the Halloween candy and Thanksgiving pie, but I try to pace myself in consuming them.  This way I enjoy it more and not end up feeling sick.

            In the end, you can still enjoy all the food during the holidays but keep in mind these ways to help yourself feel better and stay healthy.  Stay healthy, my friends!

Sophia Nemes is a 6th grade communications major at BAK Middle School Of The Arts. She was a winner of the 2018 Healthier Jupiter Student Video Contest in which she produced a film that highlighted pedestrian and bike safety guidelines for kids. Sophia has accepted the role of Healthier Jupiter Student Voice and will be reporting on various health-related topics.

James GarvinStudent Voice