Project Director appointed to Palm Beach TPA Bicycle-Trailways-Pedestrian Advisory Committee

Joanna Peluso, Healthier Jupiter’s Project Director has been appointed to the Palm Beach County Transportation Planning Agency’s Bicycle-Trailways-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BTPAC) . The BTPAC is responsible for advising and informing the TPA Board regarding pedestrian and bicycle issues in Palm Beach County. Joanna will be joining the BTPAC as a member of the health community.

In Joanna’s role as Project Director, she works with Jupiter community members and local organizational leaders to promote and ensure opportunities for healthy eating and active living. In regards to active living, we promote walking or biking as a free and easy way to be physically active to achieve recommended physical activity guidelines. However, not everyone in our community has access to safe or comfortable places to be active. Through a collaborative process, Healthier Jupiter works with the community to identify the conditions that enable or inhibit access to walking or biking, as well as other healthy living opportunities.

As the director of a community-led initiative, Joanna feels confident to represent the community perspective and the health sector. If you are interested in sharing public comments, meetings are held on the first Thursday of most months at 9 a.m. at our office. Find out more details here:

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Healthier Jupiter, in partnership with Jupiter Medical Center is dedicated to bringing the greater Jupiter community together to encourage each person to live their healthiest life. Healthier Jupiter is part of the Palm Health Foundation’s Healthier Together Initiative, a long-term, community-driven approach to solving a community’s complex healthcare issues.