Why Tell Us Your Story?
The power of Healthier Jupiter is our connection to our partners and our community members without being a direct service provider. What is amazing is that in our community we have so many organizations and agencies that have the infrastructure and resources to meet immediate needs. Healthier Jupiter is here to support those partners, share their resources and help fill gaps in services. As we adapt to virtual community engagement strategy, the Sensemaker project will allow us to continue to listen to and engage with the community to identify problems and solutions. As we know the community knows best and we need to be listening.
The reality is that there is a "new normal". With Healthier Jupiter’s outreach strategy, the Sensemaker project will help us understand the current situation from multiple perspectives in our community. Healthier Jupiter can then focus strategy and activities based on what we are hearing in the stories. Additionally, this information gets funneled up through our Healthier Together and Palm Health Foundation network to larger systems partners directing funding and resources in our community. By telling stories, the community is getting involved in the decision making process.
We are working with Palm Health Foundation and BeWellPBC to capture how everyone is feeling during these times. Please share your thoughts and concerns for yourself, your family, or your community by…
Telling Your Story
Please share this story telling opportunity with your community as we all try to make sense of these unprecedented times. You can share through facebook and instagram. A $25 gift card will be offered to every 25th story logged in the system. The participant must provide contact information to be eligible.
Before this tool was implemented, Healthier Jupiter was collecting and organizing stories through emails. So this allows us to collect stories in a more organized matter. Not only will it help us collect qualitative data in an organized way, but we will be able to activate volunteers to help us reach our hard to reach community. We will provide those volunteers with local resources to share with community members that identify major needs.
So we all can understand and respond to the stories we receive, all stories that are collected will be uploaded here - http://impactillustrated.com/gallery-of-stories/. We will work to identify behaviors, ideas and themes from the stories and collectively brainstorm how we can get more positive stories and fewer negative stories. This will lay the groundwork for developing creative, innovative, safe to fail ideas.
Don’t forget to share your story, click here.
We are looking for community leaders, students and partners to work with Healthier Jupiter to help capture stories from as many people in Jupiter as possible. Of course, our focus in on Jupiter, but this is a county wide data collection process, so stories can actually come from any Palm Beach County resident.
If you are interested in helping Healthier Jupiter collect stories, fill out the form below to download our Healthier Jupiter Sensemaker Outreach Toolkit. Joanna, Healthier Jupiter’s Project Manager will be in touch soon.
Healthier Jupiter is part of Palm Health Foundation’s Healthier Together Initiative. Palm Health Foundation believes that the pervasive nature of this pandemic calls for both traditional crisis response and more adaptive mechanisms. The foundation's Healthier Together community-based networks and BeWellPBC’s county-wide networks are driving virtual connections and outreach to ensure residents have a voice and a role in developing solutions that are responsive to their needs. You can read more details about their press release here.
The needs of our community will change over time, so story collection will be ongoing. Palm Health Foundation has already received hundreds of stories and, seeing the variety of needs our neighbors currently have, has established The Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund to provide assistance to those who need it most. Through the fund, Palm Health Foundation partners with local, grassroots nonprofits to distribute small grants in our communities. Click here to read more about The Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund.
Questions or concerns about Healthier Jupiter’s response to coronavirus, please email us at healthierjupiter@htpbc.org or call 561-234-0182.