Healthier Jupiter 2019-2020 Community Grants BBQ Photos

Over 300 community members came together at Healthier Jupiter’s Healthy Community Grants BBQ on October 12th, at which 12 Mini-Grant semi-finalists presented their projects to the public. The public then chose the top eight they wished to see funded.

The goal of the Mini-Grant Program is to engage the greater Jupiter community in creating innovative approaches to healthy living and chronic disease prevention. The grants funded pilot that ideas that improve our collective community health. The grant funds pilot ideas to improve our collective community health in one or more focus areas:

  1. Increase availability and affordability of fresh, healthy foods;

  2. Help individuals become more physically active on a regular basis;

  3. Encourage people to engage mentally and physically to practice healthy behaviors; and/or

  4. Support changes in the built environment and community policies that promote equitable opportunities for healthy living.

Healthier Jupiter is funded through a generous grant from Palm Health Foundation in partnership with Jupiter Medical Center, as part of the countywide Healthier Together Initiative.

Click through the gallery of photos from our event this year. Check out the table set ups and happy faces!