Couch to 5K: Nutrition for Walkers + Runners
Nutrition and healthy foods are an important part of your Couch to 5K Training. It is very important to make sure that your body has enough energy to fuel your walk or runs and recover.
Chelsea Carr (pictured left) from Jupiter Medical Center’s Dietetic team created material for our Couch to 5K walkers and runners to fuel up during training and race day.
And don’t forget to hydrate!
Healthier Jupiter, in partnership with the Town of Jupiter’s Recreation Department, and Jupiter Medical Center’s Cary Grossman Health & Wellness Center, holds an annual 9-week Couch to 5K Training Program. The Couch to 5K Training Program helps individuals gradually increase their physical activity levels enough to walk or run a 5K or 3.1 miles. This program is great to ease your way into a healthier lifestyle and reach your fitness goals. For more information visit
You can check out other articles in our Couch to 5K Education Series: