Project Director appointed to Palm Beach TPA Bicycle-Trailways-Pedestrian Advisory Committee

Joanna Peluso, Healthier Jupiter’s Project Director has been appointed to the Palm Beach County Transportation Planning Agency’s Bicycle-Trailways-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BTPAC) . The BTPAC is responsible for advising and informing the TPA Board regarding pedestrian and bicycle issues in Palm Beach County. Joanna will be joining the BTPAC as a member of the health community.

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How to Find Physical Activities You Enjoy! Common Barriers to Physical Activity and How to Overcome Them

Although the benefits of exercise are great, incorporating more physical activity into your life is easier said then done. So what can you do to incorporate more physical activity? Start by thinking why you don’t exercise as much as you can or want to. Then start small, keep it up and find physical activities you enjoy doing. Below you can find some of the most common barriers to being more physically active and some fun ways to overcome them.

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